Wedding Dance Tricks Course

Spice up your Wedding Dance with moves that will impress anyone!

🔒Unlock the full course below!

1. Simple Dip

Difficulty 2/10

2. X-Line 🔒

Difficulty 7/10

3. Cradle Lean 🔒

Difficulty 2/10

4. Around The World Dip 🔒

Difficulty 7/10

5. Roll In + Out 🔒

Difficulty 2/10

6. Standing Spin 🔒

Difficulty 4/10

7. Develope 🔒

Difficulty 5/10

8. Shoulder to Shoulder Lean 🔒

Difficulty 3/10

9. The Ronde 🔒

Difficulty 8/10

10. Lean Away Picture Line 🔒

Difficulty 6/10

ADd ons:

1. Change of Places 🔒

Difficulty 4/10

2. Change of Places Variation (1) 🔒

Difficulty 5/10

3. (Advanced) Change of Places Variation 🔒

Difficulty 7/10

4. Patty Cake 🔒

Difficulty 1/10

5. Arm Slide 🔒

Difficulty 3/10

6. Cradle Dip 🔒

Difficulty 2/10


  1. Lean & Hook 🔒

Difficulty 7/10

2. Candle Stick Lift 🔒

Difficulty 5/10

3. Princess Lift 🔒

Difficulty 5/10

4. Sweetheart Lift 🔒

Difficulty 7/10

Wedding Tricks Course

Students in Action!