Single Time Swing

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What is the Single Time Swing?

  1. Stationary & Rotating Basic

  2. Inside & Outside Turns

  3. Cradle

    Beginner Single Time Swing Combo (1-3)

  4. Hammer Lock πŸ”’

  5. Stop and Go πŸ”’

    Beginner Single Time Swing Combination (1-5) πŸ”’

  6. Leader’s Back Pass πŸ”’

  7. Sweetheart πŸ”’

  8. Back Walks and Points πŸ”’

  9. Free Turn πŸ”’

  10. Boogie Walks πŸ”’

    Intermediate Single Time Swing Combination (6-10)πŸ”’

    Single Time Swing Master Demo (1-10) πŸ”’





Bonus Combos:


Need Practice Music?

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